Source code for byoc.configs.layers

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import functools, os
from inspect import isclass
from ..utils import lookup

class Layer:

[docs] def iter_values(self, key, log): raise NotImplementedError
class DictLayer(Layer):
[docs] def __init__(self, values, *, schema=None, root_key=None, location=None, linenos=None): # Values: # - object that implements `__getitem__()` to either return value # associated with key, or raise KeyError. # - callable that takes no arguments and returns an object matching the # above description. # # Location: # - string # - callable that takes no arguments and returns a string. self.values = values self.linenos = linenos or {} self.schema = schema self.root_key = root_key self.location = location
[docs] def __repr__(self): attrs = { 'schema': self.schema, 'root_key': self.root_key, 'location': self.location, } attr_strs = [f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in attrs.items() if v] attrs_str = ', '.join([repr(self.values), *attr_strs]) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({attrs_str})'
[docs] def iter_values(self, key, log): values = self.values if self.root_key: try: values = lookup(values, self.root_key) except KeyError: log += lambda: format_loc( f"did not find {self.root_key!r} in {repr_dict_short(values)}", self.location, ) return if self.schema: values = self.schema(values) try: value = lookup(values, key) except KeyError: log += lambda: format_loc( f"did not find {key!r} in {repr_dict_short(values)}", self.location, ) else: log += lambda: format_loc( f"called: {key!r}\nreturned: {value!r}" if callable(key) else f"found {key!r}: {value!r}", self.location, ) yield value
@property def values(self): if self._are_values_deferred: self._values = self._values() self._are_values_deferred = False return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values): self._values = values self._are_values_deferred = callable(values) @property def location(self): if self._is_location_deferred: self._location = self._location() self._is_location_deferred = False return self._location @location.setter def location(self, loc): self._location = loc self._is_location_deferred = callable(loc) class FileNotFoundLayer(Layer):
[docs] def __init__(self, path): self.location = path
[docs] def iter_values(self, key, log): log += f"file does not exist: {self.location}\ndid not find {key!r}" return yield # pragma: no cover
def dict_like(*args): # I want this function to be usable as a decorator, but I also want to # avoid exposing `__call__()` so that these objects don't look like # deferred values to `Layer`. These competing requirements necessitate an # awkward layering of wrapper functions and classes. class dict_like: def __init__(self, f, *raises): self.f = f self.raises = raises def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.f!r})" def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.f(key) except tuple(self.raises) as err: raise KeyError from err is_exception = lambda x: isclass(x) and issubclass(x, Exception) if not args: return lambda f: dict_like(f) elif is_exception(args[0]): return lambda f: dict_like(f, *args) else: return dict_like(*args) def format_loc(message, loc): prefix = f"{loc}:\n" if loc else "" return prefix + message def repr_dict_short(d): import sys from import Mapping from textwrap import shorten from pprint import pformat # Since this function is used for logging, we don't want to crash on # unexpected input. So we check if the given object is actually a mapping, # and if it's not, we pass it to `pformat()`, which will just use its repr. if os.environ.get('BYOC_VERBOSE') or not isinstance(d, Mapping): return pformat(d, depth=1, compact=True, width=sys.maxsize) try: n_max = int(os.environ['BYOC_DICT_KEY_LIMIT']) except (KeyError, ValueError): n_max = 20 if len(d) <= n_max: key_strs = [f'{k!r}: …' for k in d] else: n = n_max // 2 key_strs = [f'{k!r}: …' for k in list(d)[:n]] key_strs.append(f'and {len(d) - n} others') dict_str = '{' + ', '.join(key_strs) + '}' return f'{dict_str}\nTo see the whole dictionary, set the following environment variable: BYOC_VERBOSE=1'