Source code for byoc.getters

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from . import model
from .model import UNSPECIFIED
from .cast import Context, call_with_context
from .meta import GetterMeta, LayerMeta
from .errors import ApiError, NoValueFound
from operator import attrgetter
from more_itertools import value_chain, always_iterable

class Getter:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def __repr__(self):
        cls = f'byoc.{self.__class__.__name__}'
        args = self.__reprargs__()
        kwargs = [f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in self.kwargs.items()]
        return f'{cls}({", ".join((*args, *kwargs))})'

    def __reprargs__(self):
        return []  # pragma: no cover

    def bind(self, obj, param):
        raise NotImplementedError

class Key(Getter):

[docs] def __init__(self, config_cls, key=UNSPECIFIED, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.config_cls = config_cls self.key = key
[docs] def __reprargs__(self): if self.key is UNSPECIFIED: return [self.config_cls.__name__] else: return [self.config_cls.__name__, repr(self.key)]
[docs] def bind(self, obj, param): wrapped_configs = [ wc for wc in model.get_wrapped_configs(obj) if isinstance(wc.config, self.config_cls) ] return BoundKey(self, obj, param, wrapped_configs)
class ImplicitKey(Getter): def __init__(self, wrapped_config, key): super().__init__() self.key = key self.wrapped_config = wrapped_config def __reprargs__(self): return [repr(self.wrapped_config), repr(self.key)] def bind(self, obj, param): return BoundKey(self, obj, param, [self.wrapped_config]) class Func(Getter):
[docs] def __init__(self, callable, *, skip=(), dynamic=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.callable = callable self.skip = skip self.dynamic = dynamic self.partial_args = () self.partial_kwargs = {}
[docs] def __reprargs__(self): return [repr(self.callable)]
[docs] def partial(self, *args, **kwargs): self.partial_args = args self.partial_kwargs = kwargs return self
[docs] def bind(self, obj, param): return BoundCallable( self, obj, param, self.callable, self.partial_args, self.partial_kwargs, self.dynamic, tuple(always_iterable(self.skip)), )
class Method(Func):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, dynamic=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs)
[docs] def bind(self, obj, param): # Methods used with this getter this will typically attempt to # calculate a value based on other BYOC-managed attributes. In most # cases, a `NoValueFound` exception will be raised if any of those # attributes is missing a value. The most sensible thing to do when # this happens is to silently skip this getter, allowing the parameter # that invoked it to continue searching other getters for a value. bc = super().bind(obj, param) bc.partial_args = (obj, *bc.partial_args) bc.exceptions = bc.exceptions or (NoValueFound,) return bc
class Attr(Getter): def __init__(self, attr, *, skip=(), dynamic=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.attr = attr self.skip = skip self.dynamic = dynamic def __reprargs__(self): return [repr(self.attr)] def bind(self, obj, param): return BoundAttr( self, obj, param, self.attr, exc=self.skip or (NoValueFound,), dynamic=self.dynamic, ) class Value(Getter):
[docs] def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.value = value
[docs] def __reprargs__(self): return [repr(self.value)]
[docs] def bind(self, obj, param): return BoundValue(self, obj, param, self.value)
class BoundGetter: def __init__(self, parent, obj, param): self.parent = parent self.obj = obj self.param = param # The following attributes are public and may be accessed or modified # by `param` subclasses (e.g. `toggle_param`). Be careful when making # modifications, though, because any modifications will need to be # re-applied each time the cache expires (because the getters are # re-bound when this happens). self.kwargs = parent.kwargs self.cast_funcs = list(value_chain( self.kwargs.get('cast', []), param._get_default_cast() )) self._check_kwargs() def _check_kwargs(self): given_kwargs = set(self.kwargs.keys()) known_kwargs = self.param._get_known_getter_kwargs() unknown_kwargs = given_kwargs - known_kwargs if unknown_kwargs: err = ApiError( getter=self.parent, obj=self.obj, param=self.param, given_kwargs=given_kwargs, known_kwargs=known_kwargs, unknown_kwargs=unknown_kwargs, ) err.brief = f'unexpected keyword argument' += lambda e: '\n'.join([ f"{e.param.__class__.__name__}() allows the following kwargs:", *e.known_kwargs, ]) err.blame += lambda e: '\n'.join([ f"{e.getter!r} has the following unexpected kwargs:", *e.unknown_kwargs, ]) raise err def iter_values(self, log): raise NotImplementedError def cast_value(self, value, meta): for f in self.cast_funcs: context = Context(value, meta, self.obj) value = call_with_context(f, context) return value class BoundKey(BoundGetter): def __init__(self, parent, obj, param, wrapped_configs): super().__init__(parent, obj, param) self.key = parent.key self.wrapped_configs = wrapped_configs if self.key is UNSPECIFIED: self.key = param._get_default_key() def iter_values(self, log): assert self.key is not UNSPECIFIED assert self.wrapped_configs is not None if not self.wrapped_configs: log += f"no configs of class {self.parent.config_cls.__name__}" for wrapped_config in self.wrapped_configs: config = wrapped_config.config if not wrapped_config.is_loaded: log += f"skipped {config}: not loaded" log += "did you mean to call `byoc.load()`?" continue if not wrapped_config.layers: # If a config has no layers, that probably means an error # occurred when the config was being loaded. Most likely, the # cause of this error was that some attribute of the object # either wasn't defined, or didn't have an appropriate value. # If the attribute in question was given an appropriate value # after the config was loaded, the config will need to be # reloaded before that value takes effect. # # That said, I decided to only include a literal description of # the error here, and to leave it to the configs to suggest how # to fix the problem, e.g. by calling `reload()`. The reason # is that I think a generic message would be wrong/confusing in # too many cases. log += f"skipped {config}: loaded, but no layers" config.load_status(log) continue log += f"queried {config}:" config.load_status(log) for layer in wrapped_config: for value in layer.iter_values(self.key, log): yield ( value, LayerMeta(self.parent, layer), config.dynamic, ) class BoundCallable(BoundGetter): def __init__(self, parent, obj, param, callable, args, kwargs, dynamic, exc=()): super().__init__(parent, obj, param) self.callable = callable self.partial_args = args self.partial_kwargs = kwargs self.dynamic = dynamic self.exceptions = exc def iter_values(self, log): try: value = self.callable(*self.partial_args, **self.partial_kwargs) except self.exceptions as err: log += f"called: {self.callable}\nraised {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}" else: log += lambda: f"called: {self.callable}\nreturned: {value!r}" yield value, GetterMeta(self.parent), self.dynamic class BoundAttr(BoundGetter): def __init__(self, parent, obj, param, attr, dynamic, exc=()): super().__init__(parent, obj, param) self.attr = attr self.dynamic = dynamic self.exceptions = exc def iter_values(self, log): qualattr = f'{self.obj.__class__.__name__}.{self.attr}' try: value = getattr(self.obj, self.attr) except self.exceptions as err: log += f"looked up: {qualattr}\nraised {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}" else: log += f"looked up: {qualattr}\nreturned: {value!r}" yield value, GetterMeta(self.parent), self.dynamic class BoundValue(BoundGetter): def __init__(self, parent, obj, param, value): super().__init__(parent, obj, param) self.value = value def iter_values(self, log): log += lambda: f"got hard-coded value: {self.value!r}" yield self.value, GetterMeta(self.parent), False