Source code for byoc.configs.configs

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, os, re, inspect, autoprop

from .layers import DictLayer, FileNotFoundLayer, dict_like
from ..utils import first_specified
from ..errors import ApiError
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from more_itertools import one, first
from import Iterable

class Config:
    autoload = True
    dynamic = False

[docs] def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): self.obj = obj self.autoload = kwargs.pop('autoload', self.autoload) self.dynamic = kwargs.pop('dynamic', self.dynamic) self.load_status = lambda log: None if kwargs: raise ApiError( lambda e: f'{e.config.__class__.__name__}() received unexpected keyword argument(s): {", ".join(map(repr, e.kwargs))}', config=self, kwargs=kwargs, )
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"
[docs] @classmethod def setup(cls, *args, **kwargs): return lambda obj: cls(obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): raise NotImplementedError
class EnvironmentConfig(Config):
[docs] def load(self): yield DictLayer( values=os.environ, location="environment", )
class CliConfig(Config): autoload = False @autoprop class ArgparseConfig(CliConfig): parser_getter = lambda obj: obj.get_argparse() schema = None
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): self.parser_getter = kwargs.pop( 'parser_getter', unbind_method(self.parser_getter)) self.schema = kwargs.pop( 'schema', self.schema) super().__init__(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): args = self.parser.parse_args() yield DictLayer( values=vars(args), schema=self.schema, location='command line', )
[docs] def get_parser(self): # Might make sense to cache the parser. return self.parser_getter(self.obj)
[docs] def get_usage(self): return self.parser.format_help()
[docs] def get_brief(self): return self.parser.description
@autoprop class DocoptConfig(CliConfig): usage_getter = lambda obj: obj.__doc__ version_getter = lambda obj: getattr(obj, '__version__') usage_io_getter = lambda obj: sys.stdout include_help = True include_version = None options_first = False schema = None
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): self.usage_getter = kwargs.pop( 'usage_getter', unbind_method(self.usage_getter)) self.version_getter = kwargs.pop( 'version_getter', unbind_method(self.version_getter)) self.usage_io_getter = kwargs.pop( 'usage_io_getter', unbind_method(self.usage_io_getter)) self.include_help = kwargs.pop( 'include_help', self.include_help) self.include_version = kwargs.pop( 'include_version', self.include_version) self.options_first = kwargs.pop( 'options_first', self.options_first) self.schema = kwargs.pop( 'schema', unbind_method(self.schema)) super().__init__(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): import sys, docopt, contextlib with contextlib.redirect_stdout(self.usage_io): args = docopt.docopt( self.usage, help=self.include_help, version=self.version, options_first=self.options_first, ) # If not specified: # - options with arguments will be None. # - options without arguments (i.e. flags) will be False. # - variable-number positional arguments (i.e. [<x>...]) will be [] not_specified = [None, False, []] args = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v not in not_specified} yield DictLayer( values=args, schema=self.schema, location='command line', )
[docs] def get_usage(self): from mako.template import Template usage = self.usage_getter(self.obj) usage = dedent(usage) usage = Template(usage, strict_undefined=True).render(app=self.obj) # Trailing whitespace can cause unnecessary line wrapping. usage = re.sub(r' *$', '', usage, flags=re.MULTILINE) return usage
[docs] def get_usage_io(self): return self.usage_io_getter(self.obj)
[docs] def get_brief(self): import re sections = re.split( '\n\n|usage:', self.usage, flags=re.IGNORECASE, ) return first(sections, '').replace('\n', ' ').strip()
[docs] def get_version(self): return self.include_version and self.version_getter(self.obj)
@autoprop class AppDirsConfig(Config): name = None config_cls = None slug = None author = None version = None schema = None root_key = None stem = 'conf'
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop('name', self.config_cls = kwargs.pop('format', self.config_cls) self.slug = kwargs.pop('slug', self.slug) = kwargs.pop('author', self.version = kwargs.pop('version', self.version) self.schema = kwargs.pop('schema', unbind_method(self.schema)) self.root_key = kwargs.pop('root_key', self.root_key) self.stem = kwargs.pop('stem', self.stem) super().__init__(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): for path, config_cls in self.config_map.items(): yield from config_cls.load_from_path( path=path, schema=self.schema, root_key=self.root_key, )
[docs] def get_name_and_config_cls(self): if not and not self.config_cls: raise ApiError("must specify `` or `AppDirsConfig.config_cls`") if and self.config_cls: err = ApiError(, format=self.config_cls, ) err.brief = "can't specify `` and `AppDirsConfig.format`" += "name: {name!r}" += "format: {format!r}" err.hints += "use `AppDirsConfig.stem` to change the filename used by `AppDirsConfig.format`" raise err if suffix = Path( configs = [ x for x in FileConfig.__subclasses__() if suffix in getattr(x, 'suffixes', ()) ] found_these = lambda e: '\n'.join([ "found these subclasses:", *( f"{x}: {' '.join(getattr(x, 'suffixes', []))}" for x in e.configs ) ]) with ApiError.add_info( found_these,, configs=FileConfig.__subclasses__(), ): config = one( configs, ApiError("can't find FileConfig subclass to load '{name}'"), ApiError("found multiple FileConfig subclass to load '{name}'"), ) return, config if self.config_cls: return self.stem + self.config_cls.suffixes[0], self.config_cls
[docs] def get_dirs(self): from appdirs import AppDirs slug = self.slug or self.obj.__class__.__name__.lower() return AppDirs(slug,, version=self.version)
[docs] def get_config_map(self): dirs = self.dirs name, config_cls = self.name_and_config_cls return { Path(dirs.user_config_dir) / name: config_cls, Path(dirs.site_config_dir) / name: config_cls, }
[docs] def get_config_paths(self): return self.config_map.keys()
@autoprop class FileConfig(Config): path = None path_getter = lambda obj: obj.path schema = None root_key = None
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, path=None, *, path_getter=None, schema=None, root_key=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(obj, **kwargs) self._path = path or self.path self._path_getter = path_getter or unbind_method(self.path_getter) self.schema = schema or self.schema self.root_key = root_key or self.root_key
[docs] def get_paths(self): try: p = self._path or self._path_getter(self.obj) except AttributeError as err: def load_status(log, err=err, config=self): log += f"failed to get path(s):\nraised {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}" if config.paths: br = '\n' log += f"the following path(s) were specified post-load:{br}{br.join(str(p) for p in config.paths)}" log += "to use these path(s), call `byoc.reload()`" self.load_status = load_status return [] if isinstance(p, Iterable) and not isinstance(p, str): return [Path(pi) for pi in p] else: return [Path(p)]
[docs] def load(self): for path in self.paths: yield from self.load_from_path( path=path, schema=self.schema, root_key=self.root_key, )
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_path(cls, path, *, schema=None, root_key=None): try: data, linenos = cls._do_load_with_linenos(path) yield DictLayer( values=data, linenos=linenos, location=path, schema=schema, root_key=root_key, ) except FileNotFoundError: yield FileNotFoundLayer(path)
[docs] @classmethod def _do_load_with_linenos(cls, path): return cls._do_load(path), {}
[docs] @staticmethod def _do_load(path): raise NotImplementedError
class YamlConfig(FileConfig): suffixes = '.yml', '.yaml'
[docs] @staticmethod def _do_load(path): import yaml with open(path) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f)
class TomlConfig(FileConfig): suffixes = '.toml',
[docs] @staticmethod def _do_load(path): import tomli with open(path, 'rb') as f: return tomli.load(f)
class NtConfig(FileConfig): suffixes = '.nt',
[docs] @staticmethod def _do_load_with_linenos(path): import nestedtext as nt keymap = {} return nt.load(path, keymap=keymap), keymap
class JsonConfig(FileConfig): suffixes = '.json',
[docs] @staticmethod def _do_load(path): import json with open(path) as f: return json.load(f)
def unbind_method(f): return getattr(f, '__func__', f)